Flowers & Gifts Delivery to Italy
Golden Glow Bouquet

Golden Glow Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 13th Feb
USD 64.9
32% Off

Celebrate life's bright moments with our Golden Glow Bouquet that exudes joy and warmth through its lovely yellow blossoms. Featuring a beautiful blend of Gerberas and roses, this arrangement is a testament to sunshine and happiness. Each flower is carefully selected to complement one another, resulting in a bouquet that is as harmonious as it is eye-catching. This bouquet serves as a delightful gift for any joyous occasion or to brighten someone's day just because. Its sunny hues lift spirits and bring smiles, making it a wonderful gesture of affection and care.

This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of Gerberas and Roses, in Shade of Yellow

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