Flowers & Gifts Delivery to Italy
Graceful Love Floral Bouquet

Graceful Love Floral Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow
USD 78.9
39% Off

Experience the harmonious blend of passion and peace with this Graceful Love Floral Bouquet. The deep, velvety red roses contrast beautifully with the crisp white roses, complemented by the serene presence of white lilies. This bouquet is a testament to thoughtful design and natural beauty. Each rose tells a story of romance and warmth, while the lilies add a touch of elegant fragrance to the air. Perfect for any event, from anniversaries to birthdays or as a spontaneous expression of kindness, it echoes with sincerity and charm. Wrapped in tasteful materials, designed to enhance its presentation, each bloom is a symbol of life's precious moments. Deliver this bouquet and leave a lasting impression, a graceful expression of your sentiments.

This gift consists of:
• A bouquet of white and red roses with white lilies.

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