Flowers & Gifts Delivery to Italy
Lively Red Mix Floral Bouquet

Lively Red Mix Floral Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 30th Mar
USD 69.9
42% Off

Indulge in the lustrous elegance of our Lively Red Mix Floral Bouquet, a bouquet that speaks the language of love and admiration. This breathtaking arrangement weaves together classic Roses, cheerful Gerberas, and the fascinating texture of St. John’s Wort, creating a tapestry of vibrant reds. The graceful Gypsophila adds an ethereal touch, softening the overall look and enhancing the bouquet’s beauty. Whether you’re celebrating a special anniversary, sending well-wishes, or making an apology, this arrangement is an eloquent messenger of emotions. Its timeless charm and vibrant palette make it an exquisite choice for any occasion or private celebration.

This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of Roses, Gerberas, St. John's Wort and Gypsophila, in Shades of Red

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